Enhance your Qualtrics skills during free, live technical training designed for beginner and intermediate Qualtrics users on Thursday, May 11 at 2 p.m. Attendees will have an opportunity to join breakout rooms where experts will provide training on a variety of Qualtrics’ features and products.

Registration Instructions

  1. Visit Qualtrics XM Basecamp
  2. Click “Register” and you will be asked to sign in with your Qualtrics credentials.Image of Qualtrics Log-in screen indicating user should select Qualtrics Credentials
  3. At the log in screen, select “Sign in with SSO”
    Image of Qualtrics log in screen indicating that user should select Sign in with SSO
  4. You will be asked for your Organization ID, enter lafayettec and sign in with your Lafayette NetID and password.
  5. Scroll down to find the “Learn Qualtrics Live – America’s Region” on May 11 and select Register.